ほったらかしにしていた英語の練習ブログが、"Featured Subscriber"というので一瞬取り上げられたのに気をよくして、昨日の記事を英訳してみた。ま、我ながらしょーもない翻訳だが、新しい記事を書く元気もないので、転載してしまう。
I enjoyed reading 5th, April Issue of Newsweek Japan. The featured article titled "NIPPON DAISUKI! ---We Love Japan!---" focused the new meaning of "Made In Japan." As subtitled "Anime and Manga are Old! Neo Japanese Culture Fascinates the World," the article intorduces various "Made In Japan" products that got popular outside the Japan with new usages. SUDOKU got popular in England for training brainpower, a famous actress loves disposable pocket warmers for her painful period, a high-grade KARAOKE compartment in London is the newest and most cool entertainment. Some American girls regard YAOI MANGA, the Japanese homosexual boys story, as "liberation from bondage of gender for women." It seems those "Made In Japan" products set the new way of lives.
Thinking of Japanese style of life, I found I am surrounded by quite unique not-high-tech "Made In Japan" products that I can not think of any counterparts in other world. However, the Japanese companies are enthusiastic in exporting high-tech products and are not interested in the value of Japanese traditional culture and modern life style of the Japanese. There are much business chances because any marketing textbooks tell us selling our uniqueness is the key for success in any business. The standardizations of shipbuilding, iron manufacturing, and semiconductor foundries are quite completed now in the 21st century. Among those once productivity-oriented industries, Japanese companies can not be the unique. Any companies in the world can get the knowledge of production operation and set up factories.
On the other hand, for example, you might start to sell 100% pure KONYAKU as an ultimate diet food. The Japanese people should look back their culture and traditional product in the light of worldwide marketing. They must look aound themselves as if they were foreigners.
During Edo period, the Japanese reached cultural height under long-lasting economic stagnation. As we, the Japanese, must face the aging society with few children, they might find many cultural values and wisdoms in the Japanese history and low-tech products.